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School Schedules


Bell Schedule - Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

The school day starts at 7:35 and ends at 2PM.

Arrival - Students should arrive at school between 7:05 a.m. and 7:35a.m. each day. Adult supervision will begin at 7:05 each morning. Car riders are to be dropped off and picked up at the designated areas in front of the school. Students arriving between 7:05 and 7:30 will go to their classrooms and sit in the hall until they are dismissed to their classrooms.

Dismissal – There will be no dismissal between 1:30-2 p.m. as this is a busy time. If you plan to pick up your child from school, please follow the designated pick-up procedures, as there will be lots of traffic, both cars and buses, around the school at that time. We prefer advance notice of changes in your student’s afternoon transportation and that they are in writing to the homeroom teacher. If you e-mail the teacher concerning transportation change and have not received a reply by 12:00, please contact the office staff, 803-548-8282, and they will ensure the teacher is aware of the change.

Early Dismissal - The parent, guardian, or an adult acting with the consent of the parent or guardian, must come to the office and sign out the student on the computer which will show the date, time and reason the student is dismissed You may be asked to show a photo ID and a photo will be taken of the person signing out the student.